
Cardinal Hayes Home has one hundred ten individuals who are developmentally disabled residing in its Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs). The main campus in Millbrook, NY is home for seventy individuals. The seven one-story residences and the living space in the main building are all accessible. The agency’s four Community ICFs are in various areas of Dutchess County; ten individuals live in each of these homes. There is 24-hour care and supervision of the individuals at every agency site.

Our IRA (Individualized Residential Alternative) Program offers 3 separate apartments (2 bed, 3 bed and 4 bed) providing supervised living for 9 individuals with complex care needs.

Intermediate Care Facilities are licensed by the State of New York and operate under the jurisdiction of the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities. Programs conform to Federal and State regulations and are subject to annual surveys by OPWDD to ensure that the facilities, staffing requirements, etc., meet all standards. The individuals, who reside in our ICFs, are multi-disabled with complex care needs. The staff who work with our individuals must receive training in order to provide specialized care.

People with disabilities need a continuum of care throughout their lives, and we work with families to most appropriately meet the special needs of these individuals. Our goal is to maximize the potential for growth and development of each individual. Families are encouraged to take an active part in their individual’s lives and in planning for their current and future needs.

The individuals in our homes have been entrusted to our care, and each one is treated with dignity and respect. Every phase of a person’s care and treatment is important. Cardinal Hayes staff monitors each person’s development and well-being through an individualized treatment plan. Social work, family support, medical and neurological services, dietary planning, behavioral programming, physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy are all included in our services. Social and recreational opportunities are also an important part of each individual’s plan of care.

Cardinal Hayes Home gives equal consideration to individuals from all races, creeds and socio-economic backgrounds. Referrals can be made through various avenues. Inquiries about our programs are most welcome, and site visits can be arranged. [Please see Contact Us section for details.]